Do’s, Don’ts and More on COVID-19
Here’s a very agreeable opinion: the world is facing a difficult time. Our health, safety and overall sanity are at risk. Coronavirus (COVID-19) is a serious disease that has already affected the lives of thousands upon thousands. It has had an impact on the physical and mental health of everyone. However, it has also immensely put a dent on the economic growth of our country. Small businesses everywhere are suffering from financial loss, and those who depend on it are starting to see dark times up ahead.
We say this with the utmost sincerity and respect: COVID-19 is not a joke. Even if you consider yourself to be someone completely immune to the severity of COVID-19, you are still vulnerable. There are very little data available and whatever stats are being piled is extremely raw. Further research and studies would need to be conducted in order to understand how to beat coronavirus. And not to significantly induce panic, but who knows how long this will take.
In the meantime, all we can do is help prevent the continuous spread of COVID-19 and stay informed to understand what is happening around us. Some practices that should be adopted are Social Distancing and self-isolation/self-quarantine if one feels sick. If you ever catch yourself wanting to go out and break the new social norms, simply ask yourself, “is it worth it?” Are you going out for essentials or are you participating in an act that will unnecessarily expose you and others to this disease?
Let’s work together in defeating COVID-19. With everyone’s cooperation in following safety guidelines, we can all help prevent the spread and save many more lives that may be affected. Gathered from various credible sources like the Centers for Disease Control & Prevention (CDC) and the World Health Organization (WHO), below is a list of the Do’s and Don’ts during COVID-19:
DO –
wash your hands frequently throughout the day with soap and water. Wash your hands for at least 20 seconds. This is especially necessary when going to the restroom, before eating and after touching any surfaces that are commonly touched by other people (e.g., elevator buttons, doorknobs and handles, walls, water fountains, etc.) If soap and water are not readily available, always use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer (with at least 60% alcohol). Make sure to immediately wash your hands as soon as water and soap become available. Remember: hand sanitizer does not completely replace the good act of hand washing.
DO –
cover your mouth if sneezing and couching – you don’t want to spread any germs to those around you! Make sure you are couching and sneezing into either the crease of your elbow or into a clean tissue (that should be tossed in a nearby trash right after). This tremendously helps if you are feeling under the weather.
DO –
stay home when you are feeling sick. Inform your employer that you are unable to go into work because you aren’t feeling well. This is will ensure that you stay at home to help your condition and that you aren’t in the office spreading germs. Keep your co-workers safe!
DO –
seek medical advice if you feel any symptoms you are experiencing may be linked to the coronavirus. A medical professional is the only person who should provide you with instructions and medicine. Please follow any guidelines that you are given. These are instated in order to promote the health and safety of everyone.
DO –
hire a professional cleaning company to disinfect your facility. Now is a better time than ever to get a professional cleaning company to thoroughly disinfect all common areas, restrooms and high touch points on your property. With more and more people staying home, your facility will have higher accessibility to allow for someone like Service Keepers to clean every nook-and-cranny. Now is the time. Your health and safety are important to us – entrust us to disinfect.
break Social Distancing. Avoid large social gatherings during COVID-19. This means no book club (or any clubs for that matter), no formal events, and basically no instances in which any amount of people would be in attendance. When going out to supermarkets, pharmacies or other stores to grab essentials, ensure that you are keeping at least 3 feet of distance between you and anyone near you.
go out if you are sick. It sounds brutal, but if you are not feeling well you should not be physically in contact with the outside world. And you don’t have to necessarily go out to get the things you need! Many businesses are offering free delivery for essentials. This means restaurants, grocery stores, supermarkets, and even some pharmacies. Not sure what’s available to you? Do a quick online search to see what offers may be in your area.
touch your eyes, nose, mouth or face. Unclean hands carry a lot of germs and bacteria that could easily enter your body if transmitted through those areas. Always keep your hands away and keep them clean with soap and water – just in case you accidentally do touch your eyes, nose, mouth or face.
put the health and lives of others at risk. By not following safety guidelines, you are leaving yourself and those around you vulnerable to this disease. We all have to do our part in ensuring that we continuously take preventative measures to decrease the spread.
Service Keepers is here to always provide support. If you are in need of a disinfecting program or services, please get in touch today: (305) 751-2261. We wish everyone health and safety.